Saturday, November 27, 2010

hel·la·ciousVery great, bad, or overwhelming.

I have recently become a stay at home mom to my 2 year old son. I feel safe saying it's been a hellacious experience thus far. By all definition.

The last 9 years, my family has been living a fast paced, high strung, processed life. If it took longer then 20 minutes to do it from start to finish, it didn't get done. I haven't gone to the grocery store without feeling the need to sprint through the aisles since I was 19. After working a 40+ hour a week job for the last 6 years, I was excited to spend time at home relaxing, playing with our son, cooking, crafting and finally getting to do everything I felt I never had time for.


That was my bubble.

What am I doing? I have no idea how to cook anything that doesn't come out of a can, don't know what half the settings on my washer mean, and potty training...I might as well be speaking German. This is one big hill I have to climb and I feel like I'm wearing cement shoes.

I am hoping that through sharing my experiences I will become a better Wife, Mother and Friend, get my family healthier, bring us closer together and replace my feelings of insanity with feelings of accomplishment.

I challenge all hellacious homemakers (I know you are out there) to join me. Everything is better with friends! And food. Bring cookies.